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Introduction to GDB

Posted on:December 10, 2024 at 02:23 PM

I started my career in a company with a giant Java code base; 3 million lines of code at the time. I can still remember the feeling of being completely overwhelmed. When I was assigned my first bug ticket I had no idea how to fix it. Telling my team lead how I felt he just responded: “Have you started to debug it?”.

I was aware that debuggers existed but had never used one. He showed me, how to attach my then editor IntelliJ to a running JVM and I managed to fix the problem in no time. Ever since, I consider debugging one of the most useful skills in programming.

However, dropping IntelliJ as an editor (in favor of NeoVim) and moving to Rust as my main language, I had to learn a new set of tools. This article summarizes my very first steps on this journey.

An Example

Let’s say you have some very basic Rust code:

// file: src/
fn compute(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    let x = x + 2;
    let y = y + 3;
    x + y

fn main() {
    println!("Hello World");
    println!("{}", compute(2, 3));

And you want to follow the execution of the program, line by line.

To start the debugger (GDB in this case), you first have to build an executable. Running cargo build will create an executable like target/debug/gdb-example. To start the debugger run gdb target/debug/gdb-example and you will be greeted with a REPL.


The GDB REPL has so many features, you can talk for hours but here is a list of the most important commands.


If you type run into the REPL the program runs and prints 10 on the screen; no surprise. What’s the point you ask? It will all make sense once we introduce breakpoints.


If you type start you’ll get a different behavior. The program will halt at the first line of the main function, line 8 of From here you can progressively execute each individual line of your program, step by step.


There are several ways to step through a program:

To execute the current line and jump to the next, run next or n for short. This will jump you to line 9. Here you have several options. You can run next again to execute the line and jump to the next, or you can run step (or s for short) to jump into the compute function getting called on line 9. Once you are in a function a new execution context, also called frame. If you want to quickly get out of it (also called dropping the frame), you can run finish. After you are done with your investigation and want the program to continue running until it ends, execute continue or short c.

This way you can step-by-step understand exactly what your program is doing.


Stepping through an entire program flow is great but it is not a very common use case. Most of the time you debug a program, you already have some sense of area where the bug is. This is where breakpoints enter the arena.

Before you run the program, you can add a breakpoint at any location in your source. To jump directly to line 9 of you run: breakpoints or b in short. If you run the program now, you will not start at line 8 but at line 9.

To get a list of all breakpoints run: info breakpoints. This list not only shows the location where the breakpoint is located but also its index. If you don’t need a certain breakpoint anymore you run delete breakpoints 3 (This will remove the third breakpoint).